Oct 11, 2019

  • Edo Sakura
  • Kyoto
  • Sakura Hongan-G
  • Sakura Urushitei
  • Tokyo

Typhoon Alert in Japan: What to do, who to call and all the links you need

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Typhoon Hagibis (Typhoon No. 19) is rushing towards Japan as we are writing these lines. The typhoon has quickly evolved into the biggest one of this year. According to experts it can bring 2 feet of rain and the wind speed can reach 150mp/h (214km/h). It has recently been qualified into a Super Typhoon (Category 5).  In this article we share with you how to prepare and what to do in case of a typhoon alert in Japan.

Typhoon Warning information from JNTO

Typhoon hagibis hits Japan and Tokyo with strong wind

We have just received a thorough list from JNTO (Japanese National Tourism Organization) in English. It is a must information to have for all foreigners visiting or residing Japan in time of a major typhoon event. The article helps you with what to do and who to call in case of emergency. Additionally, it provides you with a comprehensive list of links to websites of public transportation companies around the country. You can see the article and list here.

What to do in a typhoon

It is needless to say, that you should avoid being outdoors during the time when the typhoon passes through your area. To make sure you are aware of the current situation it is recommended to frequently check the media for updates. We also recommend you to do a big shopping well before the typhoon strikes your area, in order to avoid running out of your basic supplies. Make sure to stock up on water, snacks, and food. You never know, when you will have the possibility to leave your house or hotel again. Additionally, we also recommend you to charge up all your electronic devices (including your power bank if you have one) to be prepared for a blackout. Finally, it is always wise to check on all your windows and doors as well as not forgetting any of your valuables outdoors.

Public transportation during typhoon alert

Public transportation stops in Tokyo during Typhoon Hagibis

In case a typhoon hits Japan, it is recommended to follow the news about public transportation. In case of Typhoon Hagibis (Typhoon No. 19) we have currently received the information that the JR lines in Tokyo as well as the Shinkansen lines will be paused from around 12PM on Saturday (some of them already from 9AM). Please make sure to follow the links provided by the JNTO article before planning to change your location.

Take care of others during a typhoon alert

Typhoon Hagibis warning app alert on phone

As a final thought, we would like to ask you to be aware of others too. Each year many people injure, because of lack of information or not getting help in time of emergency. Please make sure to check on your friends, relatives who reside in Japan.  At last, don’t let anyone put themselves in danger during a typhoon alert for unnecessary reasons (such as taking typhoon selfies). You should also consider downloading the Japan Official Travel App , that provides you with reliable  information and navigation all around the clock.

If you happen to stay in one of our Hotels (Urushitei, Hongan-G or Edo Sakura), we will make sure to keep you informed of the dangers and the current situation at the Front desks. Please feel free to ask us in case you need any help!

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